Curricular Aligned PD: Creative University-School Partnerships (CUSP)
Description: Funded by the New Jersey Department of Public Instruction, a Math Science Partnership Grant, the Department of Mathematical Sciences and PRISM (Professional Resources in Science and Mathematics) of Montclair State University collaborated with high needs school districts in northern New Jersey to improve mathematics understanding of grades 5-8 students. Teachers at selected schools participated in a three-year professional development. The project topics each year will addressed different strands of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) until all parts of the CCSSM were adequately interpreted with clearly developed practices and classroom models that will have an impact on teaching and learning.
Karmen Yu
Krupa, E.E., Munakata, M., Yu, K. (2019). A Math Field Day: Embed Content with Play. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 24(5), 296-299.
Conference Presentations
Krupa, E. E., Munakata, M., Monahan, C., Rahman, Z., & Yu, K. (2017). Instructional Rounds as a Model of Yearlong Professional Development Support. Paper presented at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, Florida.